supporting local means everything to small business


Meh, probably another notification.

Bam! A photo that blows your mind.

Your product - your logo - your values - your time - your tears - your sweat - your blood - your family - YOU.

YOU are on the shelf… with giants of the industry.


I imagine this is what it feels like to try to make it as an actor, an artist or a professional singer. Praying for the spark that will propel your dreams into reality.

You keep putting yourself out there, but the traction is slippery.

Up until that moment, when the right someone decides you’re something special.


I don’t think I can convey the gratitude that a small business owner feels when a retailer decides to showcase your product alongside bigger players. It’s like I keep looking behind me, “Me? You’re sure you mean me?” I feel like a blushing bride - nervous, yet excited, continuously pumping my own tires to maintain a composure of confidence.

I’ll be deeply honest here. The road to scaling up and growth in distribution in Canada is bumpy with many barriers to plow through (I’m still very much on this journey). Restrictions, challenging permits, deadly shipping costs, the knowledge required, cash flow, inflation, and the ongoing battle of the expense of healthy food, all take their toll.

With all that in mind, supporting local isn’t easy for most businesses and shoppers - it is a commitment guided by values and knowledge. One must seek to find the little guys.

Fueled by a passion for our craft, we chug along on the joy, purpose, and positive change that we believe our products bring to people’s lives.

There are moments when you think, “Is this just too difficult?” and consider giving up. But then there are also the moments that mean everything. The moments when another business decides you’re something special, and lets you have a chance at hitting a home run, simply because they put you on the plate.

Thank you to all the business owners that maintain their commitment to choosing local whenever possible. When deciding on what products to sell and showcase on your shelves, helping a little guy have a moment in the sun (even for a short period of time) is truly a remarkable gift. To our business, to us, to our families, and to our communities.

We are eternally grateful for the partnerships we have with each of our retailers. Thank you for providing us with moments to shine.


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